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This unit uses my self-published children's book Felix's Adventure: The Congo Rainforest as a platform to connect the elements of dance with english language arts. Students learn how to discover their own dance identity through collaborative experiences, choreography assignments, and through the discovery of Rudolf Laban's notation system, Labanotation.

Dance & ELA Unit

Dance & ELA Visuals

Interested in my children's book? Contact me to request a copy.

Dance & Social Studies: Kindergarten

This unit integrates social studies topics about Community and the Earth alongside movement explorations within dance. Students learn how to be a valuable community helper while developing a poem for movement about the Earth. The culminating project is an Earth Day poem and dance for Earth day on April 22, 2016.

Dance & E.L.A: 1st Grade

This unit focuses on the parts of speech in grammar for 1st grade. This lesson was taught before learning the official content in their classroom. Students showed success by applying their knowledge from ELA dance into the academic formal lesson taught by their teachers. Students were able to embody parts of speech kinesthetically.

Dance & E.L.A: 5th Grade

This unit integrates The Writing Process into The Choreography Process. Students use the steps needed to publish a writing piece as guidance to publishing choreography. Students learn to abstract and align both procedures in order to create a final product.
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