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Gabriella Meiterman, Ed.M, RYT-200, B.A. currently holds her Masters with a certificate in K-12 Dance Education from Rutgers University. Movement is a staple within her professional pursuits, specifically dance and yoga. She has used the two styles symbiotically to inform her teaching practices and to develop her classroom management procedures. Her recent Yoga for Kids Certificate (Little Flower Yoga) has been used to prompt mindfulness between the students and teachers in her teaching community.


When Gabriella was in Graduate School, she took a Foundations to Dance Education course taught by Dr. Barbara Bashaw Ed.D, M.A, C.M.A., and instantly became curious for this learning and teaching style. Through personal discoveries, she rooted down into the elementary curriculum and researched the various ways a teacher can kinesthetically engage a K-5 student. She has accomplished this by teaching ELA/Grammar and Dance for grades K-2 and Math with Dance for grades 3-5. She created a children’s book, Felix’s Adventures: The Congo Rainforest, as an additional arts integrative tool. She focuses on making each student feel connected to their artistic identity while bolstering confidence in his or her own learning experiences.


She looks for opportunities to improve her teaching pedagogue and to continue her education. She is planning to pursue her Ph.D in Dance Education in order to stay progressive in the field of dance education. She understands that continuing her education in versatile settings will improve her teaching practices and yogic-philosophies towards her pursuits as an Elementary Dance Educator. 

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